


This dashboard is for HDX data for BF2-B15:01 and B2-B19:01 +/- peptide

  • This tab contains the mean uptake per timepoint overlaid onto the structures as animations.

  • The second tab shows the BF2*19:01 three state experiment that confirms the MHC can be re-loaded with peptide after cleavage.

  • The third tab has heatmaps comparing peptide free to peptide bound for each allotype, providing a measure of peptide dependent exchange.

  • The fourth and fifth tabs compare allotypes peptide free and peptide bound to give a measure of allotype dependent exchange using the mean HDX across overlapping peptides for each timepoint.

  • The sixth and seventh tabs show the HDX maps of the individual peptides. You may need to zoom in to see the peptides clearly.

  • The eighth tab shows HDX exchange rates for selected fragments using the mean of the mean uptake for that region as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


BF2*15:01 Heavy Chain + peptide

BF2*15:01 Heavy Chain - peptide


BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain + peptide

BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain - peptide

3 state HDX

HDX exchange values for BF2*19:01 three states experiment: 1. Peptide bound 2. Peptide cleaved 3. Peptide cleaved and then peptide re-bound. Negative values (red) represent % greater exchange in the second state, 0 no difference (blue), and positive values (white) represent % less exchange in the second state.


BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain : Peptide - (PostUV+Peptide)

BF2*19:01 B2m Peptide - (PostUV+Peptide)


BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain : Peptide - PostUV

BF2*19:01 B2m Peptide - PostUV


BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain : (PostUV+Peptide) - PostUV

BF2*19:01 B2m (PostUV+Peptide) - PostUV

Pep. dept. HDX

HDX exchange values for Peptide bound vs. Peptide free. Negative values (red) represent % greater exchange in the peptide free, 0 no difference (blue), and positive values (white) represent % less exchange in the peptide free than peptide bound.


BF2*15:01 Heavy Chain +/- peptide

BF2*15:01 B2m +/- peptide


BF2*19:01 Heavy Chain +/- peptide

BF2*19:01 B2m +/- peptide

A-type dept.HC HDX

HDX exchange values +/- peptide as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


BF2*15:01 Heavy chain + peptide

BF2*15:01 Heavy chain - peptide


BF2*19:01 Heavy chain + peptide

BF2*19:01 Heavy chain - peptide

A-type \(\beta_{2}\)m HDX

HDX exchange values +/- peptide as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


BF2*15:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m + peptide

BF2*15:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m - peptide


BF2*19:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m + peptide

BF2*19:01 \(\beta_{2}\) - peptide

HC pep. maps

HDX exchange values +/- peptide as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


BF2*15:01 Heavy chain + peptide

BF2*15:01 Heavy chain - peptide


BF2*19:01 Heavy chain + peptide

BF2*19:01 Heavy chain - peptide

\(\beta_{2}\)m pep. maps

HDX exchange values +/- peptide as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


BF2*15:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m + peptide

BF2*15:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m - peptide


BF2*19:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m + peptide

BF2*19:01 \(\beta_{2}\)m - peptide

Frag. HDX rates

HDX exchange rates for selected fragments using the mean of the mean uptake for that region as a percentage of maximum theoretical exhange.


\(\alpha_{1}\) peptide

\(\alpha_{2}\) peptide

\(\alpha_{3}\) peptide


\(\alpha_{2}\) peptide

Heavy chain linker

\(\alpha_{3}\) peptide


\(\beta_{2}\)m peptide

\(\beta_{2}\)m peptide

\(\beta_{2}\)m peptide